XDeep Radical Frameless mask
1 100 kr
XDeep Radical Frameless mask är en skön mask med stort synfält som passar de flesta ansikten. Den har relativt låg luftvolym inuti masken vilken gör den bekväm och även lätt att få plats med i benfickan.
Finns i transparent silikon. Fler färger kommer under våren.
Beskrivning från XDeep:
While no mask can fit everyone perfectly, ours comes pretty close

We have achieved this incredible fit through completely rethinking and redefining the shape of a traditional mask and using the advanced modeling technologies to turn our ideas into reality.
Pure colours with ultra clear glass
The glass in the XDEEP frameless mask is the purest glass ever used in a dive mask. The glass we use has no iron oxide impurities that create a green tinge, commonly experienced in other masks. This ensures that the natural colours come through brilliantly. Of course if you dive in colder, greener waters, you will now know it’s true colour!